Family-friendly pricing

Registration - $25 first student, $15 second student, $5 third student ($50 max)

Camp Sunflower - $35 per month (ask us about tuition assistance)

30 minutes weekly - $40 per month

45 minutes weekly - $50 per month

1 hour weekly - $55 per month

1.25 hours weekly - $90 per month

1.5 hours weekly - $100 per month

1.75-2.25 hours weekly - $105 per month

2.5-3.25 hours weekly - $150 per month

3.5-4.25 hours weekly - $190 per month

4.5-5.25 hours weekly - $225 per month

5.5 hours-6.25 hours weekly - $255 per month

6.5 hours-7.25 hours weekly - $280 per month

7.5 hours-8 hours weekly - $300 per month

Each additional 30-45 minutes after 8 hours is an added $10 per month ($370 family max)

Minutes per week are counted by families. (This equals big discounts for siblings!!)

Registration is a one time fee at the beginning of each recital season.

Those participating in recital will also have corresponding performance and costume fees.

Please refer to the current schedule to confirm class lengths.

Tuition structure is the same for both our recreational and competitive programs. However, competitive programs have additional fees outside of tuition. Make sure to contact the studio with any questions you may have!